Studio Lead

Dr. Nicola St John



As a colonial settler to Australia with Irish and English heritage, my own design education and professional practice experience has been largely absent of non-European histories, knowledges, and perspectives. This has informed my practices of teaching, research, and designing, to create spaces, projects, and participatory interactions to increase diverse knowledges, representation, and histories within design pedagogies, discourses, and industries. My research is largely collaborative and community based; partnering with First Nations creatives, community schools, and design organisations in co-design projects to foster social wellbeing, student belonging, knowledge transfer, intercultural collaboration, and design entrepreneurship. Her research has been funded by the Australian Council for the Arts and Creative Victoria and has received accolades from the Good Design Awards, and the Victorian Premiers’ Design Award.

Communities of Practice
Designing for Social Change,
2022 Un/Certain Positions: Ethics & Co-Design
2021 Un/Certain Positions
2021 Common People
2020 Un/Certain Positions
2020 First Things Next

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